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Trading company
For beginners and experienced traders

Trade and earn on the cryptocurrency exchange in a team of experienced traders

Get into a closed community of traders with experience and results
Learn strategies and trading tools with a mentor
We provide capital for cryptocurrency trading

Most traders are familiar with following situations:

  • No stable results
  • Poor or absence of capital
  • Lack of skills, knowledge and right strategy
  • No one to point out mistakes and give feedback
  • There is not enough communication with like-minded people, there is no one to discuss market situations and exchange experiences with
All this leads to loss of time and money.
We offer traders cooperation and give everything you need for successful trading: deposit, software, mentoring and support.

Why we are interested in cooperation and give a deposit

We want to create a global community of traders from different countries. Our task is to make you skilled and cooperate with you on mutually beneficial terms. To do this, we have developed and perfected a training system and introduced effective trading tools.
Join and try!

Your development way in our community

You learn and master the tools for trading
Increase your deposit and raise the size of orders
You achieve a stable income and increase your earnings

You get arguably the best cryptocurrency trading bot

  • Tick chart
  • Instant opening and closing of transactions
  • Convenient and fast management
  • Autodetect and more
You master the MoonBot and use the PRO version for free.

Training consists of 95% of practice

We believe that there is no point in long and boring theoretical studies. After all, the faster you start to practice, the faster you come to the result.

Therefore, after being added to a group, you study the most necessary theory, the MoonBot terminal, and immediately stat trading.

First, you trade on a demo account. This is necessary so that you can understand your mistakes and work through them together with a mentor. You share successful and unsuccessful transactions daily and receive detailed feedback.

After that, you receive a deposit and trade with real money, constantly practice, and we help you reach a decent result faster.

You are in a closed community of traders

  • More than 150 people have already joined F4 Capital.
  • You get access to the community where you communicate, trade and grow with like-minded people.
  • We regularly have team calls and discussions of market situations so that you can trade even more efficiently.
  • You can always ask your question and get an answer from professionals right in the moment.

About the team and roles in the company

See reviews of traders who trade with us as a team

What can be said about F4

1. Everything is well organized. For a beginner, 1-2 days are left to understand what is happening here and what the guys are doing.

2. Even if you are a complete zero, after a week you start to figure out how MoonBot works and what buttons you need to press)).

3. No one is against sharing their experience with you, and most importantly, this is not done "from above". Experienced traders communicate with you on the same level. Plus, when you constantly watch the deals of other traders, how trading situations are worked out - understanding and skills come many times faster.

4. F4 is a cool community of like-minded people where you can not only learn a lot, but also have a nice chat.

5. And most importantly - if you have the desire and desire, you will earn money here.

Before joining the company, I was not familiar with trading, I only heard something about this craft. I got into the company and realized that I was very lucky, I was warmly received, and I realized that I got into a very pleasant team, where everyone suggested something and helped in any way they could. Then I realized that there is potential for me both for personal growth in the form of pleasant conversations discussing interesting topics and new strategies, and for financial growth in the form of raising the deposit and trading tips from mentors

This is a company with a high level of professionalism and support for its employees.

One of the most important advantages of this company is free training and free trading software that allows you to focus on professional development without financial costs. In addition, the company gives a balance to trade and good conditions for cooperation, which is an important factor in your comfort and success.

The team with which the work takes place is friendly and cheerful people who not only help to focus on work, but also create a wonderful atmosphere. You can discuss interesting topics and events in the world with your colleagues, which allows you to build friendships with many guys.

In addition, the company makes every effort to develop the trader as soon as possible, and everyone is provided with their own mentor, who teaches and helps in all issues that arise during the learning process. This indicates great support and assistance in your professional development.

In general, this company is a great place for professional growth and development.

StarrySky (Bohdan)#0201
"Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends" - says a well-known proverb. But not in this case, everything is here: 100 friends and 100,000 rubles. I recommend, I recommend, and I recommend again!

This is probably the most friendly, hardworking and fair community I have ever met, and I am glad that I am a part of it.

I want to express my gratitude to the mentors who spend a lot of their time helping newbies and supporting a more mature number of traders. Separately, I want to express my gratitude to Vano for the opportunity to show his best side, work in a company and earn good money. This is not the place where you will work 5 days a week and have 2 days off, there is not and will not be a "loot" button, this is the place where you will have to give 100%, work 24/7, even while sleeping soundly, you should have a "hand on the pulse" in making a suitable deal.

If you, of course, want to quickly grow in a company and make money, you have to be money hungry and knowledge hungry to succeed as a trader. I also want to express my gratitude to our "Boss" for the work done in structuring and planning the company, the ideal system of promotions and cost-effective requirements for traders that limit their activities, for their own good, even if the traders themselves do not understand this at first. I hope that if in the near future the situation in the world is favorable, the company will be able to further develop, capturing not only the crypto market, because we have quite educated, advanced and versatile people who can do the work of the Hedge Fund. an ideal system of promotions and cost-effective requirements for traders that limit their activities, for their own good, even if the traders themselves do not understand this at first.

I hope that if in the near future the situation in the world is favorable, the company will be able to further develop, capturing not only the crypto market, because we have quite educated, advanced and versatile people who can do the work of the Hedge Fund.


Hello to all readers of this review, I want to tell a little background. I came to Fantastic Four Capital as a beginner who didn't understand anything about trading. Of course, there was a fear that they might not take me, because these are big risks, that there may not be enough motivation, there is no time to do it (trading should be given as much of your time as possible, which in the future will pay off 100x). But then a great miracle happened for me, I was taken to this excellent cryptocurrency trading company. I was met by wonderful people with whom I was interviewing, they told me about everything, and then they added Fantastic Four Capital to their server in the discorde, I saw a wonderful server, where everything is on the shelves, the location of the channels is just on top, everything is maximum convenient and comfortable.

After I saw the server, I was introduced to my mentor Semyon, he represented the Gambit team (I forgot to say that the atmosphere of heroes reigns in the company, so there are 9 teams associated with characters from Marvel so far), so he told me more about the server and what how they have it here, and then we started installing the moon bot, Semyon told me everything about the bot, how it works, introduced me to all the functions, and gave me a couple of days to get used to entering into transactions.

I sat for a couple of days and "poked" in different directions. When I got used to the bot and remembered in which directions I need to "poke" Semyon set up the strategies for which we trade, and I continued to trade on the emulator only with strategies. Of course, I didn’t succeed for several weeks because I was new and did not yet understand how to enter, but my mentor Semyon told me that ""It's all right for this level, so you don't need to be upset, you will succeed, the main thing is to go towards your goal"" I did not give up and continued to trade. In addition to trading, I met other guys who trade at Fantastic Four Capital, they are all very friendly, ready to help with any problem at any moment, whether it’s a problem with the moon bot, or a problem in life, they immediately respond to messages and trying to help.

There are great bosses in the company who always sit in voice with the guys, they always spend time with the guys, and it's pretty cool that they communicate with the guys and get our opinion on what can be added to the server, what is better to remove, and we every We spend our evenings watching movies or telling our interesting stories.

I can say that in such a time, I have already achieved an incredible level, I am grateful to the bosses and mentor Semyon for this contribution, who were not afraid to take on such a beginner.

On this I have only positive impressions. I also want to say that this is not only a company in which you trade, earn money, it is also a discovery of new friends who have the same interests, so it becomes even better to advance and increase in the order, because there is no limit to the increase.

On this I have only positive impressions. I also want to say that this is not only a company in which you trade, earn money, it is also a discovery of new friends who have the same interests, so it becomes even better to advance and increase in the order, because there is no limit to the increase.

Hello reader. At first, I didn’t really believe in sweet stories about profitability with a minimal chance of losing, but 2 factors bribed me, my friend already worked in this company, and the second, that there was no need to provide a deposit. When a person trusts you with his money, it is worth appreciating and trying not to let you down. The community (people) is as loyal as possible, regardless of gender, age, religion, politics, and the rest of the non-work topic. I hope the guys will continue to grow and prosper. Review in 1 word: TOP.

Тhe company is formed by the community, and the community is formed by people. And I want to say that the people at F4 have combined a very rare and unique combination of qualities that not only reflects their professionalism and vast experience in their field, but also creates at the same time a very comfortable and pleasant working atmosphere in which you want to learn, strive to development and growth, in which you just want to be.

I got into F4 by chance, at the invitation of my good friend, who has been in trading for a very long time, and I am incredibly glad that I was invited here. All participants are purposeful people who come for new opportunities, know what they want from life and are ready to move in this direction, look for these opportunities and realize them. Top mentors and management team are people who have been developing in their field for many years, real masters of their craft, the most pleasant and intelligent people who are very intelligible, extremely clear and tolerantly convey information to you and teach you their craft, you just have to absorb information, have a desire and love his own business to grow from a beginner to the level of a highly qualified specialist.

In this company, everyone has a friendly attitude towards each other, everyone is ready to help, suggest and teach, and after training and working meetings, fly to a joint event and spend time with the team for something pleasant and useful. I think this is just gold in the field of trading, if someone tells me that he found a better job, I just won’t believe it. This is the best company. they convey information to you in the most understandable and tolerant way and teach you their craft, you just have to absorb information, have a desire and love your job in order to grow from a beginner to the level of a highly qualified specialist. In this company, everyone has a friendly attitude towards each other, everyone is ready to help, suggest and teach, and after training and working meetings, fly to a joint event and spend time with the team for something pleasant and useful. I think this is just gold in the field of trading, if someone tells me that he found a better job, I just won’t believe it. This is the best company.

I'm new to the team, but already in this short time, I realized that I want to stay here for a long time and here's why: Professional work of mentors who will tell you everything and show you everything. Excellent management, which also helps the teams Well, a cool team with whom you will not get bored
𝔅 𝔖 Сергей#4817
The company does everything that is necessary for the professional growth of a trader and maintaining discipline in trading: regular debriefing, assistance with any questions that arise, training streams - from technical issues to the psychological component. Together with a clearly defined promotion roadmap, professional mentors and a comfortable atmosphere for simple communication, this all creates excellent conditions for a trader to grow and improve. 10/10, F4 top!
I believe that Fantastic Four Capital is the perfect place to grow professionally. the opportunity to get advice from experienced traders is combined here with openness and a friendly atmosphere.
Although I'm still on the emulator, but the company is wonderful! Mentors do not just poke their noses at your mistakes, but tell you what to do, what to change in order to become better.

Although I'm still on the emulator, but the company is wonderful! Mentors do not just poke their noses at your mistakes, but tell you what to do, what to change in order to become better.

The most important advantage is a responsive and progressive community. Everyone is ready to help and suggest in any incomprehensible situation. I was also pleased with the system of promotions and the possibility of rapid growth.

Another important component I would note the company's mentors and bosses. Being in F4 does not make you feel inferior in status or importance just because you are a beginner. You are always ready to support, suggest how to achieve the best results. They will help to identify and solve your problems, for further development in this area.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to work in Fantastic four. And I can say with confidence that once you get here, you will not regret your decision!


First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the f4 team for the opportunity to quickly develop in a new area! Very convenient system of training, excellent support of all mentors, friendly staff.

To all new arrivals - listen to what they say to you and repeat, you don’t need to invent a bicycle, you will quickly get up.

The best mentor, great atmosphere, nice sympathetic people, constant asset and training.
Having joined the Fantastic Four Capital team, as a novice trader, I got a unique opportunity to gain a lot of experience in the field of trading and trading cryptocurrencies. Responsive mentors and bosses, a pleasant community will always help to solve problems and difficulties that have arisen on the way to mastering such a difficult profession. And being constantly surrounded by purposeful people and moving in the same direction with them, there is an inexhaustible supply of motivation and confidence in one's actions.
Dmitry (phnmnll)#0096
A young and very promising company in the field of cryptocurrency trading. Support at all stages of development, a team of mentors helps to fully master all the nuances of scalping through the MB and brings every interested trader to the result. An excellent, positive team and the most active Discord server, where they will always listen to you and help you in any way they can) Special thanks to the team of bosses and Vano for the opportunity to be part of the team!)
Tovarish misha
A great opportunity to learn how to trade, find friends in this area and spend time with them. There is a grading system, mentors and systematic reviews. And most importantly, in order to start, you do not need capital or the ability to trade, you only need time, discipline, perseverance and dedication - with such resources and qualities, growth is guaranteed here.
There is an opinion that trading requires a large start-up capital or a technical mindset. This company made me understand that anyone can practice their trading skills without any investment. The company provides all the necessary information and analytics, shares its knowledge and skills. The only investment is your desire and time.
I want to thank F4. The best in the business! Thank you for helping our dreams come true
𝕾𝕷𝕾 ❬ 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓪

You might have these questions

What if I trade at a loss?
Every trader has losing days. This is fine. You work out the mistakes and trade further. If it doesn't work out for you, we stop cooperation, and you don't owe us anything. The company assumes all risks.
From which countries can you join?
You can be a team with us and trade from any country.
Can I start trading if I don't have trading experience?
In some cases, it even plays into your hands, because you don’t have to relearn. You immediately master the strategies for which our system is designed.
What exchanges do you use to trade?
We only trade on Binance because it is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. It has hundreds of coins and great opportunities for trading.
How does the interaction take place?
We are adding you to a private channel on Discord. In it, you communicate with mentors, traders, and also study all the relevant information on the marke.
I am under 18. Can I start learning and trading with you?
We accept traders from 17 years old.
How long will it take to study before I start earning?
It depends on two factors: your learning ability and the market situation. Here we cannot guarantee specific dates.
What deposit will I start trading with?
You start with $150 and gradually increase it and fill your hand. With the growth of the deposit, you enter transactions with larger volumes.

What you need to do to start trading with us

You fill out a Google form on the site. We will consider your candidacy. If the decision is positive, we will send you an invitation to the intermediate server for selection to our team.
Upon successful completion, an additional interview and/or enrollment on the main server is possible.
You enter a private channel on Discord and start learning, trading and earning.